How to pronounce En Effet in French?

Updated: March 19, 2021 by Mylene in How to PronounceArray  ▪  

how to pronounce en effet in french

En Effet in French

En effet is an adverb in French that means either indeed, or in fact, or actually in English. In French “un effet” is a masculine noun that relates to an effect or a result. En effet can be used to respond affirmatively to a question, to confirm a previous supposition, or to introduce some clarification about something.


  • Ce médicament fait de l’effet immédiatement. This medicine has an immediate effect.
  • C’est ton chien ? Oui en effet. Is it your dog? It is indeed!.
  • Elle a raison. En effet il a neigé ce matin. She is right. In fact, it snowed this morning.
  • On peut en effet se demander si il a raison ! We may indeed ask ourselves if he’s right!

How to pronounce “En Effet” in French?

Let’s check how to pronounce “en effet” in French:

  • En is pronounced /ɑ̃/
  • Effet is pronounced /efɛ/

When combining the two words of “En effet” the pronunciation becomes /ɑ̃.ne.fɛ/. You can hear that there is an extra sound while saying this adverb: the sound /n/.

In French, when a word ending in a normally silent consonant is followed by a vowel or a silent h, that consonant might be transferred onto the next word. The liaisons can be required, optional, or forbidden. After a one-syllable preposition there usually is a liaison such as in the preposition “en”. The letter n is silent but will be pronounced with the first vowel of the adverb effet.

In addition, the other sounds in the word /ɑ̃.ne.fɛ/:

  • /ɑ̃/ sound: your tongue and lips should be completely relaxed and your mouth should always be open. You can try to pronounce the oral equivalent /a/ at first and then the nasal vowel.
  • /n/ sound: Place the front of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, behind your teeth. The tip of your tongue should touch the roof of your mouth. Vibrate your vocal cords.
  • /e/ sound: the mouth is more closed, the tongue forward, and the lips are spread.
  • /f/ sound: Place the bottom edges of your upper teeth against the inside of your lower lip. Push air out of your mouth, forcing it between your teeth and lower lip. Do not vibrate your vocal cords when you make this sound.
  • /ɛ/ sound: the mouth is more open, the tongue forward, and the lips are spread.

This Instagram video will show you the right pronunciation of en effet in French. Click on the link to listen to this video or directly play the video shown below.

You can also find the right pronunciation of other words in French by consulting this collection of words with their French pronunciation.

What is the difference between en effet and en fait?

En fait is generally used to contradict a previous statement or an idea and to introduce a more accurate account.

For example:

  • En fait, Pierre n’est pas un ophtalmologiste, il est un dentiste. In fact Pierre is not an ophtalmologist, he’s a dentist.

En fait can be translated by “en réalité” (in reality) or by “mais” (but).

En effet is used affirmatively to confirm something previously mentioned or explain something in more detail.


  • En effet, il y a une erreur de calcul dans ce tableau.: There is indeed a calculation mistake in this table.

Related Words in French


You can use as well the adverb “effectivement”. Effectivement is pronounced /efεktivmɑ̃/. Note that the letter -e is not pronounced. Example:

  • Alexis a dit qu’il neigerait et, effectivement, il a neigé (Alexis said it’d snow and it actually snowed)
  • Tu es parti tôt ce matin. Oui effectivement (You left early this morning. Yes indeed.)

C’est ça 

  • Ton rendez-vous est à 8 heures? : Your appointment is at 8 ?
  • C’est ça! : That’s it!

C’est exact

  • Tu es né au mois de septembre? : You’re born in September?
  • C’est exact! : That’s right!

C’est juste

  • Tu pars à 18 heures? : You left at 6?
  • C’est juste! : That’s correct!


  • Arrêter de fumer maintenant et assurément une bonne idée. Stop smoking now is definitely a good idea


  • Tu n’as pas parlé de ton rendez-vous? Justement j’allais y venir. : You didn’t talk about your meeting? I was just about to do so.

Tout à fait 

  • Tu as appelé ta mère? Tout à fait! : You called your mother? Absolutely!

The word tout in French has multiple pronunciations that are important to learn. Mastering these pronunciation variations is essential for properly speaking and comprehending French. Learn more about the pronunciation of the French words tout, tous, and toutes.

Other expressions with the word effet

Un effet boule de neige: a snowball effect  

Signé à cet effet

  • Signé sur la boîte prévu à cet effet:  Sign in the box provided  

Avoir de l’effet: have an impact

  • La robe de la mariée a eu l’effet: the wedding dress had an impact. 

Un effet contraire: an opposite effect

  • Contre toute attente il a eu un effet contraire! : Against all expectations it had the opposite effect!

Un effet secondaire: a side effect

  • Heureusement ce médicament n’a pas d’effet secondaire. : Luckily this drug has no side effects.

Faire effet: take effect

  • Ce médicament fait effet en 30 minutes: This medication works in 30 minutes.

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