French Tongue Twisters for Practicing Pronunciation

In this article, we explore the French tongue twisters to enhance pronunciation and surmount prevalent obstacles. To facilitate your pronunciation progress, we have meticulously categorized these linguistic challenges into clusters based on the specific sounds being honed. These examples and exercises are designed to foster fluency and precision in your spoken French.

Syllable division rules in French

In this article, discover how to divide words and sentences into syllables to master the melody and get closer to the perfect accent of the French language. Learning these rules is essential to help you read and speak better in French.

The pronunciation of numbers with cent in French

Understanding the pronunciation of the final sound and the appropriate silence can help one acquire proficiency in speaking French numbers with the word cent. Consider variations in pronunciation linked to a digit’s placement within a number, be it inside or at the end. This guide offers insights into the pronunciation nuances of numbers ranging from one hundred to one thousand, elucidating how it evolves based on their sentence positioning.