French nasal vowels in liaisons
Learn when to make the liaison with French nasal vowels and discover when the liaison should not be made. This article is everything you need to know about liaisons, denasalization, and French pronunciation.
Learn how to pronounce French words and sounds. Take your French pronunciation to the next level with video and audio lessons.
Learn when to make the liaison with French nasal vowels and discover when the liaison should not be made. This article is everything you need to know about liaisons, denasalization, and French pronunciation.
Learn French pronunciation and speak like a French native. Discover all the secrets of French sounds and pronunciation. You’ll learn how to practice on your own!
Learn the right way to pronounce with the International Phonetic Alphabet for French, or IPA, and you’ll start pronouncing any French word, even if you have never heard it before!
The silent letter H in French can be a mute H or an aspirated. Elision or no elision? Liaison or no liaison? No wonder French pronunciation can be difficult.
Have you ever wondered how to pronounce the letter S between two vowels? In French, the letter S has 2 pronunciations in the middle of a word: [s] vs. [z].
There are many difficult words to pronounce in French for English speakers. Here are useful tips and a video that will help you stop mispronouncing them.